“My perfect example of how life isn’t fair”

by Troy Adam

The handsome gentleman you see below is Ashton Kutcher.

You might have heard of him. He is an actor who is pretty popular (particularly among the ladies).

Oh, he’s also one of the best angel investors in the world and is worth an estimated $205,000,000.

What if I told you he actually had a twin brother?

Well, it turns out he DOES.

His fraternal twin is Michael Kutcher.

Here they are as kids:

Michael didn’t get the same genetic straight flush his brother Ashton did. He has cerebral palsy and cardiomyopathy.

He had to have a heart transplant as a teen. His walk is impaired and so is his speech.

In addition to that, he has trouble performing physical tasks with his right side.

That’s not all, he is 80 percent deaf in his left ear too and has had two cataract surgeries.

Here is a picture of the Kutcher brothers today:

The only thing fair about Michael Kutcher’s draw of the cards?

His brother Ashton has spent countless time and money helping Michael and those like him.

When someone says “life isn’t fair” this is what I think of.


I’m Troy Adam, an artist and computer enthusiast.

My specialty is doing real-time effects for video games, which I’ve been doing since 1999.

I am also a foodie who loves to grill and smoke and even make sushi.

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